Google Dorking

Date: 15, January, 2021

Author: Dhilip Sanjay S

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  • Crawlers discover content through various means.

    • Pure Discovery - URL visited by the crawler and information regarding the content type fo the website is returned to the Search Engine.

    • Following URLs found from previously crawled sites.

Name the key term of what a "Crawler" is used to do

  • Answer: index

What is the name of the technique that "Search Engines" use to retrieve this information about websites?

  • Answer: Crawling

What is an example of the type of contents that could be gathered from a website?

  • Answer: Keywords

Search Engine Optimisation

  • SEO ranking - Search Engines will priortise those domains that are easier to index.

  • Many factors:

    • How responsive your website is to the different browser types.

    • How easy it is to crawl your website.

    • What kind of keywords your websit has.


  • This text file defines the permissions the Crawler has to the website.

  • It can specify what files and directories that we do or don't want to be indexed by the Crawler (like admin panel).



Specify the type of "Crawler" that can index your site (the asterisk being a wildcard, allowing all "User-agents"


Specify the directories or file(s) that the "Crawler" can index


Specify the directories or file(s) that the "Crawler" cannot index


Provide a reference to where the sitemap is located (improves SEO as previously discussed, we'll come to sitemaps in the next task)

  • You can use Regex to allow/disallow contents to be indexed by Crawlers.

  • Generally, Sitemap is located at /sitmeap.xml.

Where would "robots.txt" be located on the domain ""?

  • Answer:

If a website was to have a sitemap, where would that be located?

  • Answer: /sitemap.xml

How would we only allow "Bingbot" to index the website?

  • Answer: User-Agent: Bingbot

  • Other bots like Googlebot, msnbot won't be allowed to index the site.

How would we prevent a "Crawler" from indexing the directory "/dont-index-me/"?

  • Answer: Disallow: /dont-index-me/

What is the extension of a Unix/Linux system configuration file that we might want to hide from "Crawlers"?

  • Answer: .conf


  • Sitemaps are indicative resources that are helpful for crawlers - they specify the necessary routes to find content on the domain.

  • It is in XML file format.

  • They show the route to the nested content.

  • Sitemaps are favourable for search engines - because all the necessary routes to content are already provided in this file.

What is the typical file structure of a "Sitemap"?

  • Answer: XML

What real life example can "Sitemaps" be compared to?

  • Answer: Map

Name the keyword for the path taken for content on a website

  • Answer: route

Google Dorking

What would be the format used to query the site about flood defences?

  • Answer: flood defences

What term would you use to search by file type?

  • Answer: filetype:

What term can we use to look for login pages?

  • Answer: intitle:login

Last updated